A TeamTalk™ is a crew leader or supervisor led conversation that isn't all about work.
A TeamTalk™ creates a new non-work space for teams to connect and communicate through broader and less job site focussed conversations.

What's in a TeamTalk™?
There are two different ways to deliver a TeamTalk™. Based on the project and presenters preferences, a TeamTalk™ can be a discussion or stand & deliver.
A TeamTalk™ Discussion helps project teams to chat about the challenge they’re facing around culture, connection and team dynamic. Building stronger connections between colleagues, a TeamTalk™ gives everyone the chance to get to know each other on a more personal level.
A Stand & Deliver TeamTalk™ helps leaders cover important non-work related topics, like well being and psychological risks, in large groups. The goal, to build a great project culture where everyone feels supported and overcome any roadblocks that emerge from Team Check-In.

Benefits of TeamTalks™
Understanding your people on a more personal level can help you to work together more effectively, and increase your bond as a team. Using TeamTalk™ can also help all of you:
- Develop a deeper sense of belonging and team spirit within the team
- Uncover issues that may be impacting your project team
- Increase psychological safety between teammates as people develop closer relationships
- Get to know the person behind the job title
- Enjoy regular conversations that allow people on the project to open up
- Each talk is centred around the top risks identified by team check-in

TeamTalk™ Testimonials
I had a direct report on my team and they were extremely quiet. They lived alone, and I knew they felt isolated during Covid.
Participating in PepTalk’s monthly TeamTalks, I saw, first hand, this person opening up and getting more and more involved in the different topics.
I have since gotten to know more about this person and can relate a lot better as a manager.
PepTalk was a really impressive solution all round. It has something for everyone for our teams, our managers and the organisation itself.
For any organisations looking to drive employee engagement, PepTalk is unique in its approach and supports. It’s the perfect solution for the new world of work.
PepTalk provides quick and easy access to topics of all kinds to help you get through your day-to-day.
I enjoy sharing the monthly topics with my team and going through the activities as it creates great conversation.
This has been especially important since work from home evolved and we are missing the in-person conversations and interactions with our peers.
PepTalk was a really impressive solution all round. It has something for everyone for our teams, our managers and the organisation itself.
For any organisations looking to drive employee engagement, PepTalk is unique in its approach and supports. It’s the perfect solution for the new world of work.

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