How John Paul Construction Improved Psychological Safety and Culture with PepTalk

Facts & Figures
The wellbeing score for Pallas Foods rose overall from 50% to 67%, as measured before and immediately after the WWC 2020.
Pallas Foods is the largest food business in Ireland with a team of over 1,300 people delivering fresh, frozen, non-food and ambient food products to thousands of customers every night. They came to PepTalk in the second half of 2019 looking to support employees in a wider, more human context. Employee surveys had shown an appetite for a wellbeing programme.
In June 2020 Pallas Foods took part in their first Workplace Wellness Championships (WWC). The WWC is a bit of friendly competition between companies using the PepTalk platform. The aim is to amass the most amount of points from physical, learning and community-driven wellness activities over a three week period.
After three weeks of competition, Pallas Foods were crowned winner of the Workplace Wellness Championship 2020.
"Opportunities for team members from different business functions such as Sales, Operations and Shared Services to collaborate and build relationships can be limited; their paths may never cross on a working day.
We in Pallas really wanted to create opportunities for team building and bonding in an organic way rather than through structured social activities.
We knew the PepTalk hub would help solve this issue but the adoption and usage by employees during the Workplace Wellness Championships was really impressive”
Christine McGrath
Learning & Development, Pallas Foods
John Paul Construction is founded on over 70 years of deep engineering knowledge and quality relationship management. They sustainably grow by empowering our people to work safely with a sense of responsibility, excellence and positive energy. Upholding their core values of excellence, respect and teamwork is what continually fuels this innovative organisation.
John Paul Construction kicked off their partnership with PepTalk in October 2021. Together we wanted to help them supercharge the awesome culture in the John Paul community. By focussing on teamwork, increasing the growth & development of their people and enhancing belonging through shared experiences we’ve achieved some remarkable results together.
"PepTalk has broken down barriers. The simple ability for people to be able to talk to each other and be in the moment"
Sara Warren,
BioNX Team, John Paul Construction
Before Partnering with PepTalk
The BioNX Team held individual/siloed activities outside of daily operations with a more social focus rather than a strategic, purposeful and measured approach to building a sense of belonging in the team.
After Partnering with PepTalk
When asked about the impact of PepTalk Team Tools, the BioNX team said: "PepTalk came at a perfect time! It's the perfect activity for forming and developing our team. PepTalk has broken down barriers and provided a safe space where vulnerability can be demonstrated".
PepTalk's TeamTalks, Check-Ins and engagement programs have enabled the team to see people as someone's dad, mum, brother, sister, friend and not just an employee. In such a fast-paced environment that human connection can be easily lost.
After building stronger lines of communication and encouraging open and honest conversation, the team are able to talk to each other and be in the moment.
There is also a volume of programmatic content available to act as support and information on some of the topics that may have surfaced from the TeamTalks and Team Check-Ins.
Since partnering with PepTalk, the BioNX team at John Paul Construction have not only improved communication and increased their team connection but they've also overcome the huge industry challenge of high turnover. The team have built strong team bonds based on a human-centric approach and have had ZERO turnover amongst their team.
“Since starting with PepTalk we’ve had no turnover in the team and we’re in a high turnover industry. Our team has each other's backs. Having that support is half the battle – it makes the overall experience of work better”
Sara Warren,
BioNX Team,John Paul Construction
Key Takeways
Amplifying Existing Initiatives
Using gamified shared experiences, AIB initiated a series of wellbeing and culture building challenges. Key here was the #TIMETOTALK mental health campaign which PepTalk was able to extend and amplify across the organisation.
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